Sections of the Rate Sheet Screen
- Rate Sheet Printouts
- Troubleshooting Printouts
- Save
- This button allows you to save any changes you have made to the rate sheet.
- Publish
- When you click this button a snapshot of the Rate Sheet will be saved and made available to those members of your organization who have access to view Rate Sheets.
- Transfer
- Rate Sheets are transferred using the same process as Transferring an Opportunity.
- Delete
- This allows you to delete a Rate Sheet. Be careful, because this process may be irreversible.
- Close
- The Close button will take you back to the summary page of all Rate Sheets.
- It will also prompt you asking to save and you may if you would like to keep your work.
- Export
- This button exports the rate sheet in the XML format and lists each rate table as a separate sheet with aggregate information in the first sheet.
- Assumptions
- The Assumptions button will open the assumptions screen where you can view what product assumptions are used in order to set the rates for the rate sheet.
- The Assumptions Screen (Same screen as assumptions for opportunities)
- If you are an administrator, these assumptions can be modified in the Administration Section.
- Name
- This field sets the name of the Rate Sheet.
- Owner
- This field shows the owner of the Rate Sheet.
- This defaults to the person that created the Rate Sheet.
- Description
- This is a free form text field to specify notes regarding the Rate Sheet.
- Pricing Date
- The Pricing Date determines the assumption set that is used to set the rates in the Rate Sheet.
- You can fast-forward the assumption set to the most current ones by clicking on the fast-forward button next to the pricing date field.
- Pricing Region
- This field allows you to set the region which will determine any product assumption modifications.
- Add
- The Add tab will allow you to add a new Rate Table to your Rate Sheet based on the available products. You can also use the search bar to quickly find the desired Rate Table.
- Product Tab(s)
- You can switch between multiple rate tables by clicking on each tab to specify the table you would like to modify.
- Publishing History
- The Publishing History tab
- Properties
- Additional Rate Sheet Features (Properties)
- Table Name
- This field sets the Table Name for the specific Rate Table in your Rate Sheet.
- The left () and right () arrows allow you to modify the position of the Rate Table in relation to other Rate Tables.
- The copy icon () in between the arrows allows you to duplicate the Rate Table.
- Description
- This text box allows you to note any details specific to the Rate Table.
- Product Name
- This field is automatically filled based on the Product Type selected in the Add drop down menu.
- Payment Type
- The Payment Type options that appear here are the ones selected for the chosen product and are fully configurable for each product in the Product Edit Screen.
- Rate Type
- This field allows the Rate Type to be specified and matches the types allowed by the Product Edit Screen.
- This can be Fixed, Floating, or Adjustable.
- When Fixed is selected, the Spread Locked field will appear allowing you to set a Fixed rate based on a curve plus a spread. The Default Spread applies to the entire table, however you can override this Spread within individual cells.
- When Adjustable or Floating is chosen, additional fields will appear allowing you to set the following:
- Minimum Initial Rate
- Index
- Minimum Spread
- Floor/Cap
- Initial Period
- Adjustment Frequency
- Maximum Initial Adjustment
- Maximum Periodic Adjustment
- Maximum Lifetime Adjustment
- Note: If you have set a Minimum Initial Rate or a Minimum Spread, you may see an orange warning from Andi® letting you know that your Minimum Rate is in effect. This will display when you are meeting your target, and reminds you that you should be able to quote a lower initial rate or spread, but doing so would violate your Minimum Initial Rate or Minimum Spread.
- Collateral
- This field allows you to specify the collateral properties for the Rate Table.
- You can adjust the LTV (Loan to Value) and Recovery Rate for the collateral here. Note: If the Recovery Rate is set to 0%, changes in LTV will not affect the rate calculations.
- Target
- The target is pulled from the Product definition but can be adjusted by clicking on this field.
- Origination Channel
- Clicking in the Origination Channel field will open a popup where you can select the one time cost that will be incurred by the bank at closing:
- Origination Channel
- The Options listed here are fully configurable at the product level in the Administration section.
- Additional Origination Expenses that the bank has to pay out, as:
- A percentage of fees paid by the borrower
- A percentage of the amount of the loan
- A dollar amount
- Origination Channel
- Some of these options may not be available since they are fully configurable at the product level in the Administration Section.
- Setting Up Origination Channels
- Servicing Channel
- Clicking in the Servicing Channel field will open a popup where you can select the Annual cost that will be incurred by the bank at for the life of the loan.
- Servicing Channel: the options listed here are fully configurable at the product level in the Administration section.
- Additional Servicing Expenses that the bank will incurr.
- Some of these options may not be available since they are fully configurable at the product level in the Administration Section.
- Setting Up Servicing Channels
- Fees
- Clicking in the Fees field will open a popup where you can enter fees that will be paid by the Borrower to the Bank.
- You can enter:
- Initial fees: paid one time only at closing.
- Annual fees: paid every year of the loan.
- Discounts
- Clicking in the Discounts field will open a popup where you can enter any discounts that are offered for this specific product.
- Some of these options may not be available since they are fully configurable at the product level in the Administration Section.
- Options
- This field allows you to specify print grouping options for the columns in your Rate Table. Grouping Options:
- No Grouping
- Group by Maturity
- Group by Risk Rating
- Group by Expected Life
- There is also a checkbox to specify whether estimated APR is shown. If checked, the APR will display in parentheses to the right of the stated rate.
- Prepayment Option (Commercial Loan Rate Sheets)
- If enabled, Prepayment Option will display in the Details section with a dropdown menu. Available Prepayment Options:
- 5-4-3-2-1
- 3-2-1
- Yield Maintenance
- Funding Source
- This field allows you to select different funding packages for your rate sheet as long as you don’t have an override set on the product you’re pricing, and as long as you have multiple funding packages set up.
Rate Table
- Loan Range(s) (Rows)
- Each row is headed with a loan range. If you click on a row header:
- A popup will allow you to edit the range.
- The successive row will automatically update to match the modification.
- The target can also be modified for the specific loan range.
- The calculation value is also specified in the popup.
- Click on the trash icon ()to delete a specified loan range.
- Click on the plus icon ()in the bottom left to add a new loan range. (row)
- Specified Rate (Cell)
- Using the specified parameters a rate is calculated at each cell. If you click on a cell:
- A popup will appear allowing you to modify the specified rate.
- An orange highlight will appear next to cells where an issue may have arisen. (e.g. The APR is above the Maximum APR)
- In such cases or for any other reason you can specify:
- The cell to remain blank
- The cell to meet at target (default)
- The cell to meet a set rate
- You can also specify a footnote for each cell which will appear below the Rate Table.
- Product Variations (Columns)
- Each column is headed with a(n):
- Risk Rating
- Maturity
- Expected Life
- Amortization Term
- Target ROE Adjustment
- If you click on a column header a popup will appear allowing you change any or all of the previous three parameters.
- You can move the columns with respect to the rest by clicking on the left or right arrows.
- You can delete a column by clicking on the trash icon ().
- Click on the plus icon ()in the top right to add a new product variation. (column)