Creating a Custom Schedule for Rates and Spreads


PrecisonLender allows you the ability to define a custom schedule for fixed rates and floating and adjustable spreads. This can be helpful if you're pricing what is commonly called a step up loan or rate step up structure. This functionality must be enabled on the product page in administration.

When pricing an opportunity, select the chevron in the box next to 'Rate Type' to select the desired fixed, floating, or adjustable schedule.


Shows the drop-down menu when rate type is selected. Options for fixed, floating or adjustable


Fixed Rate Schedule

Once you select 'Fixed Schedule', a chevron will appear in the box next to 'Initial Rate.'



Once you select the chevron, you can add additional entries for the rate schedule. The month column will equal the start month of the rate that is entered in the adjacent column.


Shows Interest Rate Schedule drop-down menu when rate field is selected


Adjustable and Floating Spread Schedules

Once you select 'Adjustable Schedule' or 'Floating Schedule,' a chevron will appear in the box next to 'Spread.'



For adjustable rate schedules, once you select the chevron, you'll notice that the first spread schedule will be locked to the month following the fixed period. You can add additional entries to the spread schedule after the fixed period.


Shows Interest Spread Schedule drop-down menu when spread field is selected


For floating rate schedules, you can add additional entries to the spread schedule starting with month one. Adjusting the spread in month one will also update the initial rate.

The month column will equal the start month of the spread that is entered in the adjacent column.



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