
The Similar Loans Report Andi skill provides relationship managers with real-time, in-the-moment pricing insights, showing characteristics of the 10 most similar loans to the loan being priced at any given time.


For more information on the methodology used to identify the similar loans, please see this article.


In this Article


Andi Skill Behavior

If there are available similar loans, Andi will send you a message in the Andi window telling you how many loans are available.


If no similar loans exist, the field tag will not appear.


shows andi skill example


Here is an example of the downloaded Similar Loan Report:

shows andi skill example


Skill Installation

Follow these steps to install and turn on the skill for an audience:

  1. Login to the Andi Skills Manager through the PrecisionLender application.
  2. Navigate to Gallery tab at the top.
  3. Search for “Portfolio Insights” in the search bar, and select "Portfolio Insights - Similar Loans Report".
  4. Click Install Skill and then Set up Skill.
  5. From the left menu, select Audiences under the Setup section.
  6. Click Setup Audience to open a list of available audiences, and select the audience you would like to turn the skill on for (e.g. “Everyone”).
  7. For “Choose skill version”, select the latest version (if not already selected). Configure the skill as desired (see the Skill Configuration section of this article for more details) and click Next.
  8. Click Complete Setup & Enable Skill to turn it on for that audience.


Configuring and Testing the Skill


Prior to enabling the skill for Everyone, you first need to ensure that the skill is working properly by testing it. To do this, navigate to the skill details page to configure and enable the skill for your Development audience:

  • Select Development under the Audiences section.
  • In the Version drop down, select a version of the skill that you would like to test.
  • In the Skill Configs section on the skill details page, enter the following information to configure the skill:
    • Click Through Message - Optional - If not configured, the text default is "Download report of X similar loans in this pricing region"
    • Header Text - Optional - If not configured, the text default is "Here are insights on pricing at your bank:"
  • Select Complete Setup & Enable Skill to enable the skill for the Development audience. Once you've enabled this skill for testing, make sure you've added the users who will be testing the skill to the Development audience.


Enabling the Skill for Everyone

After you've viewed and tested the skill, you are ready to enable the skill for Everyone.

  • Navigate back to the skill details page for the skill you were testing.
  • In the Audiences section, select the Everyone audience and choose the version of the skill you're enabling. When the latest skill version is published by the skill owner, this will automatically be available for selection in the list.
  • Re-enter the skill configurations.
  • Select Complete Setup & Enable Skill to enable the skill for everyone.


After enabling the skill for the targeted audience, we recommend disabling it for the Development audience.