What is changing?

The below datasets within the Data Studio data lake are being planned for deprecation. For more details on deprecation and our process, please see Data Studio Dataset Deprecation Process.

Dataset Location



They are being replaced by their new major versions detailed below.

Dataset Location




Why is it changing?

The dataset being modified is being written in a new format, with additional metrics and content requiring a major version change.


Which datasets are impacted?

The below derived data sets are being added to Data Studio.

Change Data Set Name
Major version upgrade Opportunities


How does my bank need to prepare for these changes?

These changes will affect pipelines and schemas that are defined in data integrations. It is recommended that changes be made to integrations to implement the version changes and reference the new version for ongoing data integrations.


When are these changes happening?

The updated major version of these datasets will be made available starting May 23rd, 2023. The older versions of the datasets will be deprecated starting June 20th, 2023.

Both versions of the dataset will be updated until June 20th, 2023 after which only the latest version will get updates.