What is changing?

The below datasets are being deprecated:


  • RelationshipsLegacy
    • L3/v1.0/Primary/PL_RelationshipAwareness/Relationships/...                  ...RelationshipsLegacy/

  • RelationshipIdentifierLegacy
    • L3/v1.0/Primary/PL_RelationshipAwareness/Relationships/...                ...RelationshipIdentifierLegacy/

  • CoreLoanAccounts
    • L3/v1.0/Derived/PL_RelationshipAwareness/Core/... ...CoreLoanAccounts/InstancePartition=/VersionPartition=v2./
  • CoreDepositAccounts
    • /L3/v1.0/Primary/PL_RelationshipAwareness/Core/...    ...CoreDepositAccounts/InstancePartition=/VersionPartition=v2./
  • CoreOtherAccounts
    • /L3/v1.0/Primary/PL_RelationshipAwareness/Core/... ...CoreOtherAccounts/InstancePartition=/VersionPartition=v1./
  • Relationships
    • /L3/v1.0/Primary/PL_RelationshipAwareness/Relationships/...    ...Relationships/InstancePartition=/... ...VersionPartition=v2./

Why is it changing?

These datasets have been replaced by their newer major version increments or other simplified datasets that provide the same information.


How does my bank need to prepare for these changes?

Any processes using these datasets would need to be updated to use the newer versions or replacement datasets. The deprecation notifications were sent earlier to allow for change management (reference link). This notification is the final communication of dataset deprecation for the above datasets.   


When are these changes happening?

These changes went into effect on Friday, 2nd of June, 2023.