What is changing?

The Opportunity Save History dataset in the Data Feeds folder within Data Library is being enhanced with more descriptive fields, and limiting the report to the last 3 years of opportunity saves.


Below are the fields changing:

Column Changes
Prior Status Integer values are now mapped to their equivalent strings
0 = Open
1 = ClosedWon
2 = ClosedLost
3 = AwaitingApproval
4 = AwaitingClose
5 = Testing
6 = All
Current Status Integer values are now mapped to their equivalent strings
0 = Open
1 = ClosedWon
2 = ClosedLost
3 = AwaitingApproval
4 = AwaitingClose
5 = Testing
6 = All


Why is it changing?

This information provides additional details on the status of the opportunity and does not require the user to know the mapping. The report is being limited to the last 3 years of opportunity saves to cut down the size for end users.


Which datasets are impacted?

  • Opportunity Save History


How does my bank need to prepare for these changes?

There is no impact to current reporting usage or downstream data processing. 


When are these changes happening?

These changes went into effect on Thursday, July 27th, 2023.