What is changing?

Additional fields are being added to the Active Loan Accounts, Active Consumer Loan Accounts and Active Commercial Loan Accounts reports.

LocationData Library 


Column Name Data Type Column Change Description
Strategic Average Credit Capital Float Addition The average credit capital of the account according to the strategic value calculation
Strategic Average Operational Risk Capital Float Addition The average operational risk capital of the account according to the strategic value calculation. Also known as average other capital
FTP Average Credit Capital Float Addition The average credit capital of the account according to the FTP calculation
FTP Average Operational Risk Capital Float Addition The average operational risk capital of the account according to the FTP calculation. Also known as average other capital


Why is it changing?

These fields are being added to allow banks more detail around economic capital.


Which datasets are impacted?

The below datasets are impacted.

Change Dataset Type Report name
Updated Data Library Active Loan Accounts
Updated Data Library Active Commercial Loan Accounts
Updated Data Library Active Consumer Loan Accounts


How does my bank need to prepare for these changes?

The fields are being added to the end of the dataset and should have no impact on downstream processes.


When are these changes happening?

These changes will go into effect on Thursday, 24th of August 2023.