In this Article


What is a Scenario?

A Scenario represents a distinct pricing scenario that has been created in PrecisionLender. Each Opportunity is made up of one or more Scenarios.

There are two main types of Scenarios:

  • Alternative Scenario - this represents an alternative presented to the borrower.  For example, a "Fixed Rate, no Fee" scenario or a "Floating Rate with $50,000 in Deposits" scenario.
  • Competitive Scenario - this represents a deal that is being offered to the borrower by a competitor.  This allows you to see "what if we matched the competition?" as a Scenario and capture the competitor's name as well.


Creating Scenarios

To create a new scenario in an opportunity, select "New" next to the Current Scenario field in the opportunity screen. This can be repeated for as many scenarios as needed. The Current Scenario field name will update to reflect the number of the current scenario you're pricing.


Shows the option to create a new scenario in the opportunity screen


Managing Scenarios

You can view the scenarios you've created by selecting the dropdown on the opportunity screen or by selecting "Manage All" to view the Scenario Builder.


Shows the scenario drop-down menu in the opportunity screen


What is a Pipeline Scenario?

Every opportunity will contain a Pipeline Scenario. The Pipeline Scenario is the Scenario you think is most likely to occur and shows up in the Pipeline on the Opportunity Dashboard.  Only one Scenario within an Opportunity will show up on the Opportunity Dashboard. By default, the first Scenario created within an Opportunity will be set as the "Pipeline" Scenario. However, this can be changed by selecting a new pipeline scenario on the opportunity screen or in the Scenario Builder.

To Change the Pipeline Scenario in the Opportunity Screen

Select the dropdown next to "Pipeline Scenario"

Shows the pipeline scenario drop-down menu in the opportunity screen


  • The scenario that you're currently pricing will state (Currently Pricing) next to the scenario name.
  • Selecting a different scenario will update that scenario to the pipeline scenario.


To Change the Pipeline Scenario using the Scenario Builder

See the Scenario Builder


The Scenario Builder


Shows the scenario builder pop-up window


The Scenario Builder shows all of your Scenarios for this Opportunity. This view allows you to easily compare Net Income, Return, Collateral, Fees, and Interest Rate. The default return metric is displayed in the top right corner of the Scenario Builder screen. You can change the metric in the Scenario Builder display by clicking the arrow in the metric box, which will enable a dropdown with the return metrics you can choose from. The visible return metrics are set by the bank Administrator. The current returns are shown to the left of the bar charts. The black markers within the bar chart's will show the bank's target return for each Loan, Deposit, Other Product, Opportunity, and Relationship.

The orange outline shows you which scenario you are currently pricing. Clicking "Edit This Scenario" will allow you to change which scenario you are pricing in the Opportunity. The "Pipeline Scenario" toggle shows you which scenario is currently the Pipeline scenario, and this can be updated regardless of the scenario you are Currently Editing. You can also select what type of Scenario this is; either Alternative or Competitive. Selecting Competitive allows you to input the name of your Competitor.

If you have more than 10 scenarios, your scenario will default to the Grid view. If you'd like to toggle back to the bar charts, just click the Scenario Builder view toggle icon in the upper right of the Scenario Builder.

Scenario Details

  • - Options Icon - clicking this button will show the options available for copying, sharing, editing and deleting scenarios and loan, deposit and other accounts. 
    • Duplicate Scenario - allows you to create a new duplicate copy of a scenario.
    • Email Scenario Link - allows you to share the link to your scenario via email by using your native email client
    • Copy Scenario Link - allows you to copy the link to your scenario for pasting into a document, email, or system
    • Edit Name - allows you to edit the scenario, loan account name. This edited name will appear on the opportunity and printouts.
    • Remove Scenario, Loan Account, Deposit Account, Other Account - allows you to delete a specific scenario or loan, deposit or other account from a scenario.
  • Each loan, deposit, and other account included in this scenario will be listed here and will show a return target bar, which indicates whether or not this particular loan is hurdling. The line in the middle shows the target; your bar will be red if it does not exceed the target, and green if it does.
  • The bottom of the Scenario comparison tool will show you the profitability of the opportunity alone, as well as impact of the opportunity on the Relationship.



You can compare the Scenarios for an Opportunity with the Scenario Comparison Printout.


Shows the scenario profitability comparison printout


Additionally, if you print this Opportunity with both the Full Opportunity and Executive Summary printouts, you can view all the Scenarios linked to it by looking at the Scenario Details section of the report. Your Pipeline Scenario will say "(Pipeline)" under Type.


Shows the scenario details in the printout


You can also print a Borrower Summary Printout if it has been enabled by your Administrator. This is designed for you to give to the borrower, and allows them to compare the Scenarios you've discussed.