Using the Opportunities Grid
The opportunities grid is the screen from which all the opportunities can be seen and navigated to. This is a guide to getting the most out of the tools on this screen.
1 - Status Filter: In the column to the left of the grid you can choose to view the dashboard, instead of the grid, or select a category of opportunities you would like to view in the grid.
2 - Filter Bar: The filter bar displays the current scope of the opportunities contained by the grid. So in the image above, the grid is only displaying opportunities that belong to the owner. The bar will collapse when there is a long regional hierarchy, long region name, or the browser window is too small to display the full path. Three dots will appear when a region name cannot be fully displayed and you may hover over the three dots to see the region name or click on the three dots to display that region.
3 - Export Button: Clicking the Export button will open a file dialog, prompting you for a location to save an xml representation of the current scope of the opportunities grid.
4 - Search Field: Entering text into the search field hides all opportunities that don't have the entered text in their name, their owner, their stage, their relationship, or their active scenario and its accounts.
- Make sure that your Region Bar is set to include your desired scope. If you want to search across your entire bank, click on the left-most region name which should be your bank's name.
- You will only be able to search for items for which you have view access. See your local PrecisionLender administrator for help in this area.
- Searchable Fields
- Opportunity name
- Stage
- Active Scenario name
- Loan / Deposit / Other account names
- Product
- Relationship Name
5 - Close Date Filter: Allows you to choose from a selection of time periods to filter your opportunities based on the opportunity close date.
6 - Column Headers: Each column header can be clicked to sort the grid by the values in that column, either ascending or descending. The columns are sorted alphanumerically.
7 - Opportunity Name: Clicking the opportunity name will open the opportunity for viewing/editing.
8 - Delete Opportunity
- Clicking the trash can icon next to an opportunity will delete that opportunity. This will only display when you hover over the opportunity.
- If you created an Opportunity using the Salesforce's Price in PrecisionLender button, you must delete the Opportunity in Salesforce. This will automatically delete the PrecisionLender Opportunity.
9 - Transfer Opportunity
- Transferring An Opportunity
- This will only display when you hover over the opportunity.
10 - Copy Opportunity
- Clicking the copy icon will create and open a new Opportunity that is a copy of the first.
- The new Opportunity will have the same name as the first prepended with "Copy of".
- Modifying and saving this new opportunity does not affect any of the values in the original.
- This will only display when you hover over the opportunity.
11 - Relationship Name: Clicking the relationship name will open the relationship for viewing/editing. If the opportunity has no attached relationship, it will simply display "None"
12 and 13 - Stage and Close Date: Clicking the stage or close date will open a popup allowing you to edit that opportunity's stage and close date without having to open, modify, save, and close the opportunity.
- The popup has a dropdown list of all available stages to select the stage and a calendar datepicker to select the close date.
- Clicking "Save" will set both these values to the selection from each relevant control.
- To flag when opportunity Close Dates or Pricing Dates may need to be updated, you'll see an orange indicator next to those dates in the grid in these scenarios:
- If your close date is in the past;
- If your close date is set to the default close date of 60 days past the pricing date; and
- If the pricing date for an opportunity is more than seven days in the past.