The Opportunity Dashboard consists of a series of charts displaying information on the opportunities priced in PrecisionLender. Because the information shown on the opportunity dashboard does not include existing loans and deposits, it allows you to focus on the value of new business that's being priced. Additionally, the opportunity must not be in a stage that has been omitted from the dashboard (see Setting Up Opportunity Stages).
You can use the Filter Bar to filter to any level in your regional hierarchy, down to the individual lender. When you first log in, the Filter Bar is set to display your personal Opportunity Dashboard so that it contains only opportunities that you own. By clicking on any of the regions, you are able to see rolled-up results at any level of the bank (provided that your security profile allows you to see into other regions within the bank). To return back to your personal dashboard, you can click the Home icon at the far left of the Filter Bar.
Performance Vs. Targets
The first section, Performance vs. Targets, shows your performance compared to your ROE targets. The bar named "Average" on the far left side of this chart is the average of the past 5 months (indicated with grey headers) of closed opportunities. Opportunities here are sorted according to their close date.
Charts will be green if you have met your targets for that period, and red if you have not. The more above the target you are, the brighter the green will be; the farther below your target you are, the brighter the red. The selected month (in this case, December 2019) will be boxed in and everything preceding the current period will be indicated by gray labels. The vertical light gray bars in the background represent the ROE targets. You might notice that the gray bars move from month to month. This isn't because the ROE Targets are moving around each month, but because each product might have a different ROE Target and the mix of bookings from period to period will shift.
Hovering over any of the bars will show you additional information on that month's performance.
The second section, Production/Pipeline, shows you the loan balance, commitment, gross funding, net funding, deposits, and other fees based on one of the following selections in the Group By dropdown: lender, product, stage, region, or risk rating month by month. The chart shows the "Closed & Won" deals whose expected closing month has passed or is upcoming, and doesn't include deals that were lost. Each product (or lender, stage, region, or risk rating based on the Group By selection in Production/Pipeline) is represented by a different color, which is consistent across all of the charts, and the size of the bars indicates how much of your portfolio for that month is made up of each. The selected month (in this case, December 2019) will be boxed in. Everything preceding the current period will be indicated by gray labels.
Hovering over any of the colored sections of the bars will show you additional information on that section.
Profit Sources
The third section, Profit Sources, contains a bar-mekko graph, in which the width of the bars represents the amount of capital allocated to each category, and the height represents the amount of net income in relation to the other products. The lighter, more translucent colored areas around the bars represent the ROE target for that product. What the Profit Sources section displays is dependent on what you have selected in the Production/Pipeline section. It shows the income for a selected month as a percentage of the risk that you are taking on. You can click any month on the Production/Pipeline or Performance vs. Targets sections to show a breakdown in this section for that month.
Pipeline Breakdown
The fourth section, Pipeline Breakdown, allows you to see a detailed view of everything that's currently in your pipeline by sections. The Group By dropdown allows you to choose which metric (product, lender, stage, region, or risk rating) you'd like to view. Whatever you choose will determine the bars that display in this section. What you have chosen to display in the Production/Pipeline section will determine what makes up these bars.
As an example, lets set the Production/Pipeline section to Group By product and the Pipeline Breakdown to Group By by stage. There is one bar for each product on the Pipeline Breakdown chart, and the colored sections within each bar represent different stages that the loans in the pipeline containing these products are in. Hovering over any of the colored sections of the bars will show you additional information on that section. In this case, the yellow section represents the Commercial Installment loans in the portfolio that are in the Quoted - 10% stage; in this case, there are 11 loans with an actual ROE of 18.14% compared to the target of 16.0%.