If you need to change the default amount for a loan product it is really simple to do in PrecisionLender for any user with the requisite rights and privileges.
Follow these easy steps:
- After logging in to PrecisionLender go to the Administration area by clicking the "Administration" button in the bottom left corner of the screen. Note: If you don't see the "Administration" button then this means your security profile does not allow you access to the administrative functions.
- Click the "Products" tab in the sidebar menu in the upper left.
- Select the commercial loan product from the product list that you would like to edit and click to open it.
- Once the loan product is open click the "Edit" button in the upper left corner to put the product in Edit mode.
- In the General area of the loan product setup you will see a field entitled "Default Amount". Edit the field with whatever default amount you require.
- Click the "Save" button to save the changes.