Several of our clients use the PrecisionLender API to automate repetitive processes and enhance their workflow both upstream and downstream from pricing.
PrecisionLender can provide OpenAPI specification APIs to meet any or all of your data needs, no matter which external system you would like to integrate with. We provide documentation and code samples to get you started, and will work with you to ensure you get the best value out of this service.
PrecisionLender API authentication is handled with either Basic Authentication or OAuth 2.0 using a PrecisionLender Service User Account. The details for setting up this user can be found here:
Our APIs
Loan Origination Systems
The LOS API is used to integrate your PrecisionLender data with your Loan Origination System. Here you can utilize these endpoints to pull Opportunity and Relationship financial statement data into your system in a format that is optimized for the loan approval submission process.
Customer Relationship Management Systems
The CRM API provides endpoints to both pull and push data to and from PrecisionLender to your CRM system. We also offer established implementations for the Salesforce CRM and Microsoft, if you would prefer a packaged solution.
Platform API
Our Platform API handles operations required to update your assumption set data within PrecisionLender, such as Custom Funding Curves or Liquidity Adjustments.
There are also APIs for User Management operations, System operations, and Data Ingress (Relationship Awareness data uploads), and a robust Webhook system for building your own integrations to our platform.
Next Steps
If you are a PrecisionLender user who thinks this service could be beneficial to your bank, please contact us by submitting a request below with "API Access Request" as the subject line. From there the PrecisionLender Integrations team will be in touch to establish the best API for your needs and enable your access. In the meantime, feel free to explore our Developer Portal.