Delivery to Promise – Treasury Accounts Report

The “Delivery to Promise – Treasury Accounts” report helps keep track of the Treasury Products that are priced in the Premium Treasury Pricing application. It combines pricing data from Closed-Won Treasury opportunities with data flowing over from your core system via Relationship Awareness, to enable you to determine whether a Treasury service's promised volume was delivered.

For an opportunity to be included in the “Treasury Delivery to Promise” report, the opportunity must:

  • have a promised Treasury service i.e. priced within Premium Treasury Pricing,
  • be attached to a relationship,
  • have the status of closed-won.


  • Opportunities that do not have an attached relationship are not included in the report.
  • Opportunities that do not have any promised Treasury services are not included in the report.
  • Opportunities that do not have a closed-won status are not included in the report.


If certain Treasury services available in the opportunity are not fed to us from your core system, then those opportunities will show as underdelivered

The report is a CSV (comma-separated values) file that can be viewed in a spreadsheet as rows and columns. For any Treasury opportunity, there will be one row in the report for each Treasury service code (equivalently, product) that exists on the opportunity.  Said differently: There is one row for each unique combination of Opportunity Id and Product Family Id.

The column “Promised Volume Per Year” is the Treasury Officer's estimate of service volume at the time of pricing the opportunity. It is the anticipated annual volume. The column "Current Delivered Volume Per Year" represents the volume being delivered: it is the time-weighted average volume for the trailing year.  (If the service began less than one year ago, then "Current Delivered Volume Per Year" is the time-weighted average over the partial year, restated to be an annual rate. For example, if today is July 1, and a service began on January 1, and a total of 50 units have been delivered over the last 6 months, then the "Current Delivered Volume Per Year" is 100.)


This report is only available to Premium Treasury Pricing subscribers. Please contact Customer Support for any questions.



The “Delivery to Promise – Treasury Accounts” report can be found within the Data Feeds folder of the Data Library.

Data Dictionary

Field Name Data Type Description
Opportunity Id guid The unique PrecisionLender identifier for the opportunity
Opportunity Name string The name of the opportunity
Opportunity Account Id guid The unique PrecisionLender identifier for the account on the opportunity
Opportunity Close Date date The close date of the opportunity
Relationship Name string The  name of the relationship
Product Name string The name of the product (equivalently, the name of the treasury service)
Core Account Id guid The unique PrecisionLender identifier for the core account that has been matched to the priced Treasury opportunity account
First Refresh Date date (The date of the first RA Run following the Opportunity Close Date)The first available RA Run Date for this combination of Opportunity Id and Product Family Id (equivalently, for this combination of Opportunity Id and Service Code). Formatted as (YYYY-MM-DD).
Last Refresh Date date The most recent RA Run Date for this combination of Opportunity Id and Product Family Id (equivalently, for this combination of Opportunity Id and Service Code). Formatted as (YYYY-MM-DD).
Last Refresh Minus Close Date in Days int Number of days from First Refresh Date to Last Refresh Date.
Promised Volume Per Year double The anticipated volume that was included on the Treasury Pricing opportunity. It is the anticipated annual volume.
Earliest Delivered Volume Per Year double The time-weighted average volume delivered over the trailing year, as of the First Refresh Date. (This value is stated as an annual volume, even when there is less than a year's worth of data available.)
Current Delivered Volume Per Year double The time-weighted average volume delivered over the trailing year, as of the Last Refresh Date. (This value is stated as an annual volume, even when there is less than a year's worth of data available.)
Promised Volume Per Month double The "Promised Volume Per Year" divided by 12
Earliest Delivered Volume Per Month double The "Earliest Delivered Volume Per Year" divided by 12
Current Delivered Volume Per Month double The "Current Delivered Volume Per Year" divided by 12
Raw Units double The is the value from the "Units" column in RA: a raw value sent directly to RA. This value is called  "Yearly Volume" in the Core Treasury Accounts derived data set.
Actual Monthly Units double This is the value from the "ActualMonthlyUnits" column in RA: a raw value sent directly to RA.
Treasury Service Code string The unique numeric code that is associated with the Treasury service priced in the Premium Treasury application
Treasury Service Code from Core string The unique numeric code that is associated with the Treasury service that is provided in the Relationship Awareness data 
Treasury Service Group Name string The name associated with the service group (equivalently, the Treasury Category) that contains the service.
Confidence string "Confidence" is set to "No Core Account Match Found" if the RA data fails to contain an account that matches the priced treasury account on Relationship Id and Product Family Id. On the other hand, if a potentially matching Core Account is found for the priced treasury account (service), then "Confidence" will be set to either "Unlikely" or "Likely" according to the following rule: It is set to "Unlikely" if the potential matching core account appeared in RA data more than 10 days before or more than 120 days after the Opportunity Close Date; otherwise it is set to "Likely".
Pricing Region string The name of the Pricing Region
Opportunity Owner string The full  name of the Opportunity Owner
Product Family Id guid The unique PrecisionLender identifier for the Product Family
Relationship Id guid Maximum relationship Other Account Net Income for this Other Account Type during the 6-month Delivery Window
Waived Units double The relationship Other Account Net Income for this Other Account Type as of the Delivery Window End 6
Actual Monthly Waived Units double The date of the RA Run closest in time to (but not after) the Opportunity Close Date plus 6 months