
  • Updated the Average Capital Employed field in the Advanced Analytics amortization table to use the current capital strategy to choose which value to display.
  • Updated the Relationship External Identifier field to populate for all opportunities that have relationships that are not from a CRM or LOS. Previously, the Relationship External Identifier field populated when a user initiated an opportunity using PrecisionLender integration (using the the PIPL (Price in PrecisionLender) button).
  • Updated the link associated with the PrecisionLender logo on the Login page to navigate to the Relationship Pricing and Profitability overview page on 
  • Added a new Override Servicing Expense with RA Provided Value checkbox at the Product level for Loans and Other products. Your institution can select this option if you prefer to use RA-provided values for servicing expenses rather than the product-configured servicing expenses. This new option is available within Relationship Awareness default settings in the Other section on the Product Administration page.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with Index Floor and Index Adjustments where, when cloning an opportunity, the Index Floor Account ID stayed the same as the original Account ID. This caused some opportunities to error out upon loading.