
  • Added a new counterparty category, Foreign Bank, that is only applicable to clients with counterparties configured.
  • Updated time zone conversions for the Date/Time fields sent from Salesforce to use the time zone of the PrecisionLender user. Previously, the Date/Time would appear to be off by several hours when displayed in PrecisionLender because Salesforce stores and passed date/time information in UTC. Please reach out to your success partner to enable or disable this feature setting.
  • Added a validation that prohibits adding less than two duration points on a custom funding curve within Administration > Rates & Indices > Client Funding Curve Sources. Entering a point with a zero-month duration is also prevented. These changes were implemented to prevent errors caused by single-point funding curves with a duration of zero. This change does not impact any existing curves with a zero-month duration. 
    Note: This change has been reverted. See the 2024-10-30 Release Notes.