This article provides PrecisionLender connectivity and whitelisting guidance for your bank's IT teams.
In this Article
Accessing the PrecisionLender Application
The PrecisionLender application can be accessed via web browser through the following URL:
https://application.precisionlender.com/directorylogin, or if your bank has a custom login address, use that URL
- See Logging into PrecisionLender for details about how to log in
- Visits to the http version of the URL will be automatically redirected to the https version
- Port 443 should be allowed in order to connect.
If you able to log in to PrecisionLender but are experiencing performance problems e.g. transactions that time-out, check with your network administrator regarding your HTTPS Packet Inspection policy. If your company does employ HTTPS Packet Inspection it may be necessary to add a "Bypass rule" for the precisionlender.com domain, similar to the steps provided here for the Check Point brand firewall solution.
Relationship Awareness Uploads
Even though this is a command-line tool, it uses the same protocols and ports as the web-based application. The RA Upload Tool hits the URL of your normal precisionlender application from the command line. For more information, please see our dedicated articles below. If you need guidance on which version of RA uploading tools your bank uses, please contact PrecisionLender Support.
Whitelisting Guidance
Because the address may change over time, if you need to whitelist our system for proxy reasons, we do not recommend whitelisting the PrecisionLender application using an IP address unless you whitelist Q2’s entire public IP space ( Instead, we recommend that you whitelist the PrecisionLender system using the appropriate domain name(s):
- *.precisionlender.com
- The following sub-domains are also used, so a blanket whitelisting of *.precisionlender.com is recommended:
- www.precisionlender.com,
- support.precisionlender.com, and
- the URL your users use to log into PrecisionLender which could be application.precisionlender.com , application2.precisionlender.com , or even YourBankName.precisionlender.com
- The following sub-domains are also used, so a blanket whitelisting of *.precisionlender.com is recommended:
- *.andi.com
- This domain hosts Andi®, our virtual pricing analyst service.
- *precisionlender.force.com
- This domain is used to send surveys to clients.
PrecisionLender uses several major email service providers (ESPs) to communicate with our clients and users for situations such as:
- Client support
- User password reset requests
- Product update newsletters
- Automated usage statistics emails
We strongly recommend that all clients whitelist all email coming from the PrecisionLender.com, q2.com, and q2ebanking.com.
Supporting Domains
Zendesk - Our support center is hosted at Zendesk and many of the resources on our support site are served from:
- *.zendesk.com
Wistia - We rely heavily on streaming video content for support and training materials. These videos are served from:
- *.wistia.com
- *.wistia.net
Docebo Learning Center
- Technical Requirements:
- A Broadband Internet connection
- Web browser:
Microsoft Edge
Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome
Safari (MacOS only)
Microsoft Windows 8 (or higher)
MacOS (last two major releases)
JavaScript enabled
Third-party cookies enabled
localStorage enabled
TLS Version: 1.2
- Whitelist Information:
Docebo Production IP:
Background Job IPs:
- wss-us.docebo.cloud ( )
- wss-db.docebo.cloud (
For more information, refer to Q2 Public IP Ranges - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) in the Q2 Customer Portal.